Broad Spectrum Bounty: Delving into Cannabinoids and their Acid Forms

By Billee Sharp

When we say full spectrum extraction that is an accurate description; all the cannabinoids in the plant are extracted. To date, one hundred and thirteen cannabinoids have been identified and the process of discovering their properties and potential benefits is underway.

THC and CBD are by far the best known cannabinoids and THC, the only psychotropic cannabinoid has recovered from its outlaw status and now, with its many uses for pain relief, anti-nausea, appetite stimulation, migraine, to list a few, have all been medically recognized.

CBD has become widely available in recent years and is most commonly used to treat inflammation and to manage anxiety. Additionally, it is indicated for therapeutic value in many more conditions.

As the world of cannabinoids is entering new frontiers, it becomes obvious that the properties of cannabinoids often overlap. A clear example of this is that the data for CBD and CBN both show neuroprotective and calming qualities that both aid sleepfulness. Another indication that full spectrum extracts prove to be so effective as the cannabinoids working synergistically have more therapeutic value.

The cannabinoids currently in the spotlight and getting research attention include CBG and CBGa. The “a” appended to a cannabinoid stands for acid, the acid forms of cannabinoids are the precursors to the non-acid cannabinoids. The acid form represents the cannabinoids as they first occur in the plant, raw and untreated. In this unprocessed form the acid cannabinoids are more potent and powerful than the cannabinoids that they become through maturity or decarboxylation (treatment with heat).

Current research into the medical value of the acid forms is yielding positive results. CBGa has been studied in both cardiovascular conditions and metabolic disorders with promising positive results. It is proving to be highly effective at low dosages with the advantage of rapid onset for the fast relief of symptoms.

CBGa and CBG have a long list of health benefits many of which are similar to those of CBD. CBGa is studied for it’s role in supporting heart health and plays a part in how the body metabolizes fat and glucose which could potentially treat metabolic disorders. Studies on cancerous tumors show CBGa inhibits cancer cell growth by disrupting the cancer cell cycle.

The properties of CBGa and CBG clearly dovetail with CBDa and CBD which illustrates again that full spectrum extraction delivers an entourage of cannabinoids to the Endocannabinoid System. CBG is noted for anti-inflammatory use, anti-tumor, neuroprotective, antiseptic and anti-bacterial, appetite stimulant, glaucoma, migraine and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

CBN has become hugely popular as a sleep aid. CBN occurs when THC matures and its chemical structure changes to become CBN. The psychotropic component dwindles to a very small percentage but may account for CBN’s soporific qualities.

Pamela Maher’s CBN study at the Salk Institute in La Jolla, focussed on oxytosis and ferroptosis in the brain and the effect of CBN on these degenerative conditions. CBN protected the mitochondria in brain cells from oxidative deterioration. Where damaged mitochondria appear curled up, the CBN maintained mitochondria’s integrity. Oxidative damage to brain cells is considered a leading cause of dementia and Alzheimer's Disease.

CBN’s popular as a super sedative, and for neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, pain relief, bone health and healing. Again we see overlaps in functionality, with both CBG and CBD and both their acid forms.

Additional reading:

CBD-Infused Coffee Granita

On the hottest days water ice or “granita” is truly refreshing. It is one of those delicacies that takes a little effort but is well worth it, and is a fabulous end to a summer supper or a cooling afternoon treat.

Traditionally a liqueur is added but I’ve substituted CBD-rich alcohol based tincture for a relaxing icy treat. A THC-rich alcohol or blended alcohol tincture would work equally well - whatever tickles your fancy!


  • 40g ground espresso coffee

  • 40g cane sugar ( bakers sugar, superfine sugar- if you can find it)

  • ½ tbs lemon juice

  • 30-60ml CBD-rich alcohol tincture

  • 200ml whipped cream (optional)

  • A couple squares of dark chocolate (optional)

How to:

Make the coffee, if you’re using ground espresso, put it in a small pan with 500ml of cold water. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Take off the heat and let sit for 5 minutes, then pour through a coffee filter.

2. While the coffee is still hot, stir in the sugar until it dissolves. Next, add the lemon juice and the CBD tincture and pour into a freezer-safe dish that will allow the liquid to be no more than an inch thick, any deeper and it will take forever to freeze.

3.Place the dish in the freezer making sure it is sitting flat. After 45 minutes take it out and check on it - stir with a fork , mixing the solid ice at the sides with the liquid in the middle.

4. Return to the freezer and repeat the process every 30 mins, raking the mixture until it is all frozen, like coffee snow. This should take around 2 hours - I check & stir three times and then it's ready.

5. The granita is ready when it looks like a fluffy cloud of ice crystals, Serve solo or add a dollop of whipped cream and shaved chocolate.

If you are preparing in advance, return to the freezer and either keep raking or pulse briefly in a food processor to break up before serving.

Nurse Lauren's Cancer Diet Protocol

When it comes to eating while fighting cancer, there are many important things to consider. There are nutritional factors that should be recognized, but also there is the reality that you are dealing with a disease that takes people on a wild ride. You must be flexible and help yourself feel the best that you can throughout the process. Never adhere to a set of rules so strict that you are robbed of your joy, something that I have witnessed all too personally.

I would like to share a general idea of what I did to help my husband with his Glioblastoma diagnosis. He lived, thrived actually, for most of an additional two years post initial diagnosis. A lot of his success was attributed to the alternative methods we practiced, most importantly diet changes, along with exercise, yoga, and meditation. We also brought on many supplements, did intravenous vitamin C therapy three times a week and used Synergy cannabis oils all day every day. Finding joy along the way was the best medicine and allowed us to continue to conjure up the hope we needed to continue our fight each day.

I would like to point out the importance of fresh whole foods and water for nutrition. I cannot overemphasize the chaos we put our bodies through every time we eat processed calorie dense and sugar packed foods and drinks. Eliminating these from our diets as much as possible is a wonderful choice for all of us. These foods leave what cancer loves behind… excess sugar in the bloodstream. The single best thing you can do for yourself is to change to fresh whole foods, and this means the veggies are never out of a can and you’re giving up daily sugar binges. It is a little uncomfortable for a week or so and then you start to feel much better. Sugar is a drug like anything else, the brain craves the dopamine rush that sugar gives. You CAN give up sugar and you WILL be happy you did. Drinking enough water is also crucially imperative. We walk around perpetually dehydrated and no one’s body can heal that way. Cells need water to function. Drink your water!

The next important factor I would like to share would be the importance of juicing. Juicing allows the body to absorb an exponentially larger amount of nutrients in a smaller amount of food. Imagine a giant pile of veggies and fruits reduced to a couple pints of juice. When we are struggling with our appetites due to chemo or radiation or whatever the case may be, juicing allows us to still get the nutrients vital to cell function in a much more palatable way. I would give my husband juice nearly every day. It helps to make a large batch each time, it keeps for a couple weeks. Another great habit to get in whether you are fighting cancer or not.

Lastly, I would like to mention the reality of the disease means that the nutritional intake of each day is going to vary greatly depending on what you are experiencing. It really is a complex disease with a complex treatment, and one needs to be very kind and gentle to oneself while experiencing these waves… do not put yourself through guilt trips or mind games about your diet plan. Introduce as much healthy and live foods into your life as possible and that is going to give your body the tools it needs to heal.

When my husband was initially diagnosed, I had found much research on the benefits of a Ketogenic diet for cancer, particularly brain cancer. We did Keto when he was in a kill phase, aka during chemo and radiation, to assist his body in starving the cancer cells while they were also being attacked on other fronts. When he was in a rest phase, aka not on active Western medication, we relaxed his diet and brought healthy carbohydrates more significantly on board. For Keto, I began switching his diet to a protein and green veggie heavy selection, with proteins ranging from beef, chicken, quail, duck, salmon, venison, pork, eggs, nuts, fresh cheese… you name it. As long as it isn’t processed it’s good. We used veggies ranging from spinach, romaine, kale, brussels sprouts, onions, mushrooms, peppers, the list is endless… as long as it’s fresh, its good. When eating more carbs we would bring on the sweet potatoes and russets and yams, wild rice, white rice occasionally (good when tummy isn’t wanting much). Sometimes he would indulge in a yummy fresh bread… For sweets it was fruits galore, it is great to always keep fresh fruit around for a guilt-free sweet tooth. We always used good quality butter, like Kerrygold brand, or olive oil to cook with. All of the above listed foods are NOT going to further inflame an already inflamed body. It is so important to let thy food be thy medicine!

When it comes to juice the possibilities are endless! I however would like to share with you my favorite recipe that I have been utilizing for over a decade. It’s divine and it will kick any cold straight out of your system! It is important to invest in a good masticating juicer, which is a little bit of an investment, but it is beyond worth it. I bought mine over ten years ago and she is still going strong today. The brand I have is Omega, it’s a low-speed masticating juicer and they have several different choices. Once you have a masticating juicer you can bring your nutrition to a whole new level.

My Liquid Gold Juice Recipe - makes enough for 10ish days

  • 12 large grapefruits*

  • 16 Granny Smith apples

  • 1lb fresh ginger root

  • 1lb fresh turmeric root

*note on grapefruit* - Grapefruit has an interesting effect on the way our bodies metabolize things. When the liver detects grapefruit enzymes in the bloodstream, it ceases to metabolize anything else until it finishes metabolizing the grapefruit. Because of this, when you consume other nutrients alongside grapefruit they remain in the bloodstream for a longer period of time. This allows the ginger and turmeric and pectin amongst other things to float around in the body and exert their positive effects more efficiently. ALSO… for this reason it is important to check that there are no medications that you are on that interact with grapefruit! Just ask your doctor, they will be able to tell you very easily as it is a common medication interaction that is discussed.

I hope this information is helpful and useful! There are many things that are out of our control, but what we feed our bodies and minds is most definitely within our realm of influence. I hope to help anyone who wishes to learn more about taking care of their body and mind throughout their journey.

With Love,

Nurse Lauren