Cannabis and Meditation: Practices for an Elevated Mind

by Billee Sharp

Initially, meditation is a struggle for most people. The ability to empty the mind of every shopping list, chore, dispute and responsibility is much easier said than done! We live in a fast, stimulating world and slowing down is difficult but is extremely beneficial for our overall health.

Cannabis is renowned for inducing a relaxed state of mind and has been used as a mediation tool in the Vedic tradition for thousands of years. The brain has an abundance of cannabinoid receptors and research has shown the beneficial interactions of many cannabinoids in the brain: CBD has a profound impact on anxiety and mental stress, CBN has proved to be both neuroprotective and neuroregenerative while THC is famous for its stimulating and mood-altering capacity.

If meditation is eluding you and you’re having difficulties letting go of your preoccupied thoughts, cannabis can help achieve the mental transition from chatter to calmness. Cannabis can improve focus when combined with meditative techniques, helping meditation to become part of your daily health regime.

Meditation matters to our overall health giving us a chance to clear our heads, relax and breathe deeply. Negative thinking and obsessive overthinking are exhausting bad habits. In just the same way that we can get caught up in cycles of overeating, smoking, nail-biting or procrastination, it is also possible to develop patterns of thinking that are unhealthy. States of mind like this can cause heightened levels of stress, anxiety, and depression that have real debilitating effects on mental, and physical health.

The best way to banish those negative thought patterns is by recognising undesirable trains of thought as you realize you’re having them, and replacing those thoughts with mindfulness and peaceful stillness. Most of us struggle to mentally unwind in today’s hyper-stimulating world, so combining cannabis with meditation gives the mind support with focus and relaxing into the meditative head space.

If you are experimenting with cannabis to aid meditative practice then choose a cannabis strain or blend with the cannabinoid profile that is most suited to you. For myself, a CBD-rich cannabis is what I choose most often to prepare myself for meditation. Personally, CBD slows my anxious thoughts and creates a sensation of unhurried calm, which is the baseline for meditation. If I’m finding it particularly difficult to focus I’ll switch to a 1:1 CBD:THC product, either a tincture or a vape, the THC element compliments the calming effects of CBD with the ability to focus.

Here are three meditative approaches that paired with cannabis can yield great results for beginning a meditation practice.

Gazing Meditation

The purpose of “gazing” meditation is to sharpen your focus while promoting clarity and aiding concentration. The method is to rest your eyes on a fixed object, the focus on the object allows for the dissipation of wandering thoughts and thinking patterns, ultimately clearing a path for a calmer mind.

The object can be anything of your choosing, generally people choose something soothing to view—popular choices are the flame of a candle, a mandala, or a body of water.

Once you have chosen your object, sit across from it in a comfortable position, if you are able to sit cross-legged do so, otherwise sit comfortably with the object in clear sight, at eye-level in front of you. Allow your focus to settle on the details, the intricate patterns and colors of the mandala, or the flickering of the candle’s flame.

Do not strain your gaze—simply allow the image to wash over you as you rest your gaze upon it. Allow your attention to be focused entirely on the object. As you gaze gently, allow your breathing to soften, deepen, and gradually move towards viewing the object without contextualizing it in thought at all.

Gaze until your mind is still and all that stirs is the flame of your candle and the rise and fall of your chest.

With this meditation, as well as the others mentioned here, when the mind wanders away from the object of focus, simply acknowledge it and say to yourself, thank you, but right now, I am meditating, and bring your attention back to the chosen focus. Again and again, without judgment.

Deep Breath Meditation

Deep breathing is the cornerstone of meditation. By controlling our breath, we can control not only our thoughts but even the strongest and most volatile of emotions. It is the simplest way to gain control of a runaway mind.

Sit in a comfortable position of your choosing with your chest upright and back straight. Close your eyes and relax your shoulders. Allow the tension to melt out of your body.

Observe your breath in this relaxed state. Then, take a long, deep breath in through the nose, filling up your whole abdomen and chest with air.

Once you have inhaled fully, pause at the top for just a beat or two and then very slowly begin to exhale fully out. Pause here for another couple beats, these pauses should always be comfortable and never strained. Then, inhale again and repeat the pattern.

As you breathe, allow your thoughts to focus solely on your breath and gradually allow your mind to clear. Simply exist in this space breathing mindfully and relax as all else melts away.

Body Mindfulness Meditation

If you are a fidget and have trouble sitting still, this meditation technique may be the one for you. The idea here is to focus your attention on your body, scanning each body part to observe the areas that are holding tension and mindfully allow it to relax. With this inward focus, the mind is permitted to let go of aggravating thoughts.

Such a calm, meditative routine can be enhanced by an indica blend to open up a deep sense of mental alleviation and full-body relaxation.

Begin by lying on your back on a bed or yoga mat. Allow your arms to rest at your sides with your palms turned up and fingers naturally curled. Legs should be relaxed with feet allowed to fall outward. Permit yourself to sink into the ground beneath you and begin to feel the heaviness of your form as you fully unwind.

Use your mind to scan each part of your body in turn and banish any tension it may find. Start at your feet, toes and ankles, letting them relax fully. Move up your legs, thighs, hips, lower back, and stomach. Continue on to your arms, hands, fingers, shoulders, neck, jaw, and all the muscles in your face. Move your focus over your body slowly, taking your time, and when you discover tension, allow it to release , leaving fluidity and a relaxed sensation in its place.

As you relax your body, make sure your breathing is relaxed as well. Long deep breaths in, followed by long slow breaths out. When you have completed your scan, you will find your entire body is relaxed and free of tension. Continue to lie there and breathe, while turning your focus inward, allowing the relaxed state to extend to your mind as you seek those moments of clarity and stillness.

There are people who just can’t settle down to meditate and find staying still is uncomfortable both mentally and physically. Fortunately there are creative activities which stimulate our intrinsic endocannabinoid production which improves both our mental and physical health.

Recent research at the University of Nottingham recorded endocannabinoid levels in individuals after various activities; cycling, singing and dancing. In all three instances, endocannabinoid levels were significantly elevated: 19% rise after cycling, 21% rise and an improved mood came from dancing, while singing tops the trio with a 42% elevation of endocannabinoids.

Whatever means you use to relax your mind, you can be sure you are improving your health in a profound and holistic way.

Further reading: Singing, Dancing and Cycling

Cannabis: The #1 Medicine Cabinet Essential

By Billee Sharp

I realized the other day just how often I suggest CBD as a remedy for so many different conditions and ailments. I imagine that I might come across as a little over zealous but the truth is that cannabinoids have a beneficial impact on many health issues, big and small. We now know that keeping our ECS (endocannabinoid system) at optimum activation with cannabinoids is the key to regulating the systems of the body;  both endocannabinoids that are made in the body and supplementary phytocannabinoids extracted from plants. Here are the main reasons that I always keep cannabis medications on hand in our medicine cabinet.

Muscle Strains & Arthritic Pain

Synergy 1:1 Salve is the go-to topical for muscle strain and arthritic pain. The combination of equal parts of CBD and THC creates an effective double action; CBD relieves inflamed tissue and joints while the THC dissipates the pain. The pure carrier oils, Shea Butter and Cocoa Butter, allow the cannabinoids to easily penetrate the epidermis and activate the skin’s CB 1 & 2 receptors. For deep-seated arthritic pain, Synergy Super Salve is a double strength preparation, delivering twice as much medicine to the affected area.

Sunburn & Insect Bites

Synergy Salve to the rescue when sunburn strikes, cannabinoids applied topically activate the skin’s CB receptors which instigates rehydration for the damaged tissue, provides UV protection and calms the burn. The maddening allergic irritation of bug bites can be alleviated by applying salve to the distressed area. Recently some vicious mosquito visited my ring finger during the night and bit me twice! When I woke up my finger was so swollen it was too painful to take my ring off! I coated the area with salve and within a minute or two the itching was gone and the swelling reduced enough to remove my ring! I reapplied salve when the itch came back about an hour later and then again an hour after that!

Digestive Upsets

Nausea and upset stomach will respond to a dose of CBD-rich tincture taken sublingually with a little water. The calming effect of CBD combined with its anti-inflammatory action give quick relief from digestive discomfort. 

CBD tincture has been shown to aid recovery from nausea associated with chemotherapy and it works the same way for nervous stomach pain. My son is a classical guitarist and suffers from pre-performance nerves which manifests as a bilious tummy ache unless he takes a dose of CBD before he goes on stage.

Pelvic Pain & Period Pain

Deep abdominal pain from serious health issues like cancer will respond to cannabinoid medication. A generous amount of THC acts on deep pain, to avoid the psychotropic effect we recommend using suppositories.

Rectal and vaginal application of cannabinoids bypasses the digestive system and avoids entering the bloodstream so there is no discernable “high”, just relief from pain. 

Cramps and uterine pain from menstruation and other painful menopausal issues can be addressed with suppositories - the vagina has the highest concentration of CB 1 & 2  receptors in the female body, and suppository application delivers the medicine directly alleviating pain.

Anxiety, Depression & Headaches

One never knows when some situation will arise that fills us with dismay and anxiety. CBD-rich tincture will relieve anxious symptoms quickly. Similarly depressive symptoms can be treated with CBD tincture to elevate mood, we generally recommend a 4:1 CBD tincture for an on-going depressive condition but a CBD-rich tincture will give ample relief in the moment.  Headaches can also be banished with a dose of CBD, for recurring migraines a 1:1 tincture is optimum but CBD-rich tincture will do the trick, relieving inflammation and pressure in the brain.

Immune Support

Since the Covid-19 pandemic supporting our immune systems has become a priority to avoid infection. New research on the anti-viral properties of CBDa and CBGa has proved that these cannabinoids inhibit RNA virus’ access to cells and blocks viral replication. Synergy’s Immune Support capsules deliver a daily dose of CBDa and CBGa to fight infection on a cellular level by supporting a healthy ECS.


Keeping CBN-rich tincture in your medicine cabinet can be a godsend on a sleepless night. CBN has a huge reputation as a cure for insomnia, combined with CBD to alleviate anxiety, it promotes sleep without any morning grogginess. Recently I used CBN to cope with sleeplessness from jet lag and it eased my return to Pacific time within a couple of days.


CBD-rich tincture is a great safe go-to medication for cats and dogs suffering from arthritic pain, muscle strains and anxious symptoms. In older pets a daily dose of CBD tincture with food will ease painful joints and hip dysplasia. Nervousness, as experienced by my two city-dwelling cats over the 4th of July weekend, is best treated with CBD tincture, which gives relief for hours at a time.

I often have little other than a thermometer, Band-Aids, Synergy Salve and CBD-rich tincture in my medicine cabinet because most common complaints can be successfully treated with these two products. Unlike over the counter medications which can have unpleasant side effects like stomach pain, constipation or diarrhea, cannabis medication is gentle on the body. 

Combining cannabinoids with other herbal remedies adds value - when I have muscle pain with bruising I will reach for arnica ointment as well as the 1:1 salve. When depressive mood is the issue I’ll take some St John’s Wort tincture as well as CBD tincture. When I have a headache I take CBD tincture and drink a long glass of water, adding electrolytes if I have them on hand.

There are so many ways that CBD works for the kind of minor ailments that we treat ourselves, it deserves  front of shelf placement in the medical cabinet. 

My next project will be revamping my earthquake emergency kit with a bottle of CBD tincture and a tin of Synergy Salve!  

Cannabis Effective in Easing Symptoms of Neuropathy: Relief without Troublesome Side Effects or Opioids

By Dan Reich

Neuropathy is one of the most common forms of chronic pain, and is caused by damage to the nervous system. Symptoms can include feelings of muscle weakness, numbness, tingling and burning. Affecting as many as 20 million Americans according to the National Institute of Health, it can be caused by disease (diabetes is the most common) but other autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and thyroid disorders can also result in neuropathy. 

Other causes include alcoholism, exposure to toxins, chemotherapy, HIV, Fibromyalgia, Shingles, surgery, viral infections and injuries. With diabetic neuropathy, the nerve damage is caused by chronically high blood sugar. Sufferers of neuropathy numbness in the feet (the most common location) can injure their feet without being aware of it, and can suffer infections or other complications.

Free radicals, which are generated when the body encounters stress, toxins, poor lifestyle habits, can damage nerve endings, exaggerating the effects of the condition. Cannabis is rich in antioxidants, helping to diminish oxidative stress and irritation.

Conventional pain relieving drugs have traditionally had a hard time mitigating the pain of neuropathy, as they usually work by reducing inflammation, which is a common source of pain. Neuropathic pain is not caused by inflammation but rather nerve damage, and due to the way that cannabinoids bind with the body’s pain receptors, they can block the sensation of pain.

Another advantage provided by medical cannabis is that topicals, such as Synergy’s double-strength Super Salve, with its 1:1 THC for optimum pain relief, can quickly direct relief to the affected area, instead of waiting for it to be absorbed by the entire body as would be the case with edibles or tinctures.

Further, it doesn’t take a lot of medicine to be effective. Nurse practitioner Lynn Haslam says she typically starts neuropathic pain patients on a low nighttime dose of a balanced CBD to THC oil (1:1). “We really want the pain managed so they can sleep,” she says. “Neuropathic pain typically gets worse at night, electric shock-like. We may not be able to diminish all of these sensations, but if we can restore sleep, which will help decrease pain during the day, that may be a reasonable goal.” If the 1:1 ratio is too strong, then start with a 4:1 blend.

Cannabis Pharmacy author Michael Backes writes that this study is particularly significant because the best results were observed at the lowest dose, highlighting “the unexpected medical effectiveness of cannabis dosages that are far below those commonly consumed within the medical community.”

Author Michael Backes details in his book Cannabis Pharmacy a study finding a single, small, inhalation of THC cannabis decreased neuropathic pain at a higher rate than did larger doses ( 2mg). Significantly, this is a non-pscho-active dose that would allow for patients to treat their pain without any alteration of consciousness.

A number of studies have established the efficacy of cannabis in relieving neuropathy symptoms. A 500-person study by the National Institute of Health revealed that more than 85% of participants reported a decrease in the amount of neuropathic pain. Other studies have indicated that THC, or balanced combinations of THC and CBD, effectively relieves neuropathic pain. ( Synergy Wellness offers 4:1 CBD:THC blends, #116 4:1 Sativa for daytime relief, #103 4:1 Indica for pain relief at night). 

Certain strains, especially those high in CBD, have earned a reputation as being particularly effective, such as ACDC. Other popular strains for neuropathy include Granddaddy Purple, Sour Diesel and Blue Dream, which are high in THC for pain relief. Much like flower, vape cartridges provide a quick onset of relief. Synergy stocks high THC cartridges for rapid pain relief ; Blue Dream, Sour Diesel and the CBD-rich   ACDC.  If you want to avoid psychoactive effects, topicals and suppositories are extremely effective for providing pain relief without getting you high.

Whatever your preferred method of consuming cannabis, whether edibles, tinctures, topicals, capsules or flower, if you suffer from neuropathy there is probably a product that will provide the relief you are seeking. We are happy to consult with you to help you find the solution that will work best for you.
