Synergy Member Testimonial: Reducing Blood Pressure with CBD and Exercise

My Mother is in her 80’s and generally in very good health, recently her blood pressure has risen and she is having regular six monthly check ups with her doctor.

Over the winter months, with all the rainy cold weather, getting out and exercising has been impossible for her. A couple of weeks ago Mum took her blood pressure reading on her home equipment and it was demoralizing high.

I suggested that she should take some of her CBD tincture as research has shown that CBD can have a positive effect on high blood pressure. Mum has CBD tincture in her medicine cabinet and she uses it occasionally for inflamed hip or back pain and to relieve stress and elevate mood.

So despite taking her customary 3 drops of CBD tincture the blood pressure reading showed no improvement.

However as the weather began to improve Mum decided to take a walk and take 3 drops of CBD tincture for good measure. When she got home she took another reading and was delighted to see her blood pressure had dropped substantially into a healthy range.

I must add that my mother has a healthy diet ; moderate meat and plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables are her mainstay with just a little chocolate on the side!

She plans to continue this protocol and keep her blood pressure where she wants it. Using CBD in concert with a healthy lifestyle and diet helps us to live the healthy lives that we want.

Jeanette S as told to Billee Sharp, April 2023