How Cannabis Helps Your Body Eliminate Cancer Cells

By Nurse Lauren with Leonard Leinow

Our bodies are perfectly curated systems of tissues, organs, vasculature and more, that are all programmed to work in symphony to conduct the magic that we call being alive. Our cells are the building blocks of which the palaces of our being are built, and it is important to know a few basic processes that are fundamental for understanding how it all works. When we are taking any type of medication or doing any type of therapy it is crucial to understand the process by which it affects your body. When people comprehend their own bodies something extraordinary occurs, they become empowered about their health! They no longer feel like powerless victims floating through a sea of confusion, but rather informed participants making thoughtful decisions. How wonderful!

         As we all know, our bodies are made up of innumerable cells of all types and purposes. On the surface of every single one of them (including cancer cells) are various different receptors that receive compounds that initiate chemical reactions. Pertinent to our discussion here are the cannabinoid receptors, which are responsible for allowing our cells to interact with the various forms of CBD and THC found in cannabis. It is important to note here just how long our species (homo sapiens) had to exist alongside cannabis for our bodies to evolve receptors specifically for its molecules on our cells! It is compound that is crucial to our health and happiness, and this very fact shows us this.

         Researchers have identified two cannabinoid receptors thus far that exist in the bodies of mammals. The first is CB1, the most abundant receptor, which is predominantly found in the nervous system, connective tissues, gonads, glands, and organs. The second is CB2, which is predominantly present in the digestive and immune systems and its associated structures. Many tissues contain both CB1and CB2 receptors, each linked to a different action within the cell. Tumor cells have cannabinoid receptors on their surfaces as well. When THC and CBD bind to the receptors on tumor cells they create apoptotic, anti-proliferative, and anti-invasive results. Simply put, THC and CBD can induce cell suicide in a cancer cell. They can also slow cancer’s growth and spread by interrupting processes that it needs to survive.

         In a recent study conducted by St George’s University of London it was shown that THC, CBD and CBG are a potent combination in the fight against certain cancers. Preliminary studies like these are so important, as their results initiate further studies globally about cannabis and the human body. It takes many studies over many years before anything is ever widely accepted in medicine. These steps are crucial in educating everyone to the healing properties of cannabis at a scholarly level. In order to get these medicinal compounds to those that need them most we must study and spread the knowledge accordingly. Hooray for science!

         This is a good enough time as any to begin your healing journey with cannabis. Introducing a CBD and/or THC regimen into your life will assist your endocannabinoid system with lowering inflammation as a whole throughout your body. If you currently are dealing with cancer then the pain relieving and relaxing properties of THC and CBD should be considered as well. Cannabis assists with taking stress levels down so the body can rest and heal. It also boosts the immune system, needed to  restore health and stop the growth of cancer cells. There are innumerable reasons to take nature’s medicine, hopefully now you all understand a little bit more about how it works in your bodies.

In order to have effective cannabis medicine for this metabolic disorder, large doses of full spectrum CBD, THC and CBG are required. Synergy Wellness produces products designed for this purpose. Specifically, high dose suppositories are used, since administered this way, the medicine does not produce psychoactive side effects. Plus, suppositories are absorbed through the lymphatic system and delivered throughout the body, where needed.

Sending love to all on their healing journeys,

Nurse Lauren, BSN