Cannabinoids and Cancer Therapies

By Billee Sharp and Leonard Leinow

Advances in cancer treatment are leading to an increase in positive outcomes for cancer sufferers, new strategies which include cannabis medication are proving to be effective against the disease.

Studies have shown that in both in vitro and in vivo cancer models, cannabinoids can effectively modulate tumor growth; this anti-tumor effect is dependent on both the cancer type and the dosage and concentration of the cannabinoids. The focus for current medical research is to develop specific protocols for treating particular cancers.

At present what we know about cannabinoid treatment is underwritten by clinical research results, illustrated by individual treatment plans and the results from Synergy members' use of cannabis.

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) has been shown to have a central role in different physiological processes with receptors present in both the Central Nervous System (CNS) and the Immune System. For example the ECS functions to regulate synaptic transmission in the CNS, pain signaling, analgesia, immunomodulation, inflammation and cancer-cell signaling.

Cannabinoids affect many cellular processes and signaling pathways which are crucial for tumor development. For example, CBD induces cell cycle arrest, promotes apoptosis and inhibits proliferation, migration and angiogenesis in tumor cells. As well as CB receptor mediated cannabinoid effects, there is evidence that these cancer destroying processes can also be effective independent of CB receptors. This suggests that the anti-tumor activity of cannabinoids is more complex than previously thought.

Cannabinoid medication has established a reputation for mitigating side effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Clinical trials have proved that CBD alleviates nausea, loss of appetite and anxiety, symptoms commonly experienced during chemotherapy. CBD also relieves nerve pain, another frequent side effect. Research has shown that the best outcomes for chemotherapy are achieved when cannabis therapy is included alongside traditional treatment plans.

Medical trials and individual case histories have repeatedly shown that cannabinoids can impede cancer cell proliferation and cause cancer cell death. In 2013, Dr. Christina Sanchez and Dr. Manuel Guzman of Complutense University, Madrid, Spain, found that THC by itself, does shrink cancerous tumors.

CBD has been shown to induce apoptosis in mature cancer cells. It also stops the proliferation of new cancer cells. In addition, it reduces stress and anxiety, two of the primary causes of cancer.

Unfortunately, the legality issues surrounding cannabis continue to impede the progress needed to make cannabis medicine widely available.

Pharmaceutical companies have been slow to formulate cannabinoid medications and this is a major stumbling block in the ongoing struggle to integrate cannabis medicine into cancer treatment plans.

The demand for cannabis medications has been met by the cannabis community of providers who have innovated and developed the various forms of cannabis therapy available today.

Synergy Wellness has been at the forefront of innovative cannabis therapy for the past decade. High doses of CBD and THC, used in combination, have been shown to have the most effective action on cancer cells. Many cases across a wide range of cancers have been eradicated by high dose cannabinoid products. Depending on the type of cancer, location and the amount of damage already caused by the cancer (stage and grade), Synergy Wellness protocol for cancer is often 100-400 mg/day of a 1:1 CBD:THC mixture. At this high dose, we have frequently seen significant shrinkage in tumor mass over a 3 month period of daily application. Tumor reduction takes the form of dissolving, going from rock hard to softer, like a grape, potentially disappearing altogether. High doses of cannabis therapy can be administered in a number of ways and Synergy offers a number of delivery methods to choose from.

High dosage suppositories are popular with individuals who cannot tolerate the psychoactive side effect of high THC medication. Using suppositories, the psychoactivity is eliminated while the cannabinoids maintain their intrinsic functionality in interrupting cancer cells’ activity. To put this information in perspective, 10 mg of THC is considered one dose, for recreational purposes. So, 100 mg would be equal to 10 doses, which is much too strong for almost everyone. Since suppositories are NOT psychoactive, the cancer patient can easily tolerate these higher doses with little or no side effects. We have seen Synergy Wellness cancer patients improve using cannabis suppositories; tumor growth slowing and reducing in mass and effective pain relief for those with sensitivity to THC or where swallowing oral medications isn’t possible.

Yet we know most of the cannabinoids from a suppository do not pass into the bloodstream. If it did, the patient would experience severe psychoactivity when the THC cannabinoids in the blood reached the brain. However, people using suppositories do not experience any psychoactivity.. So, how are the cannabinoids traveling through the body?

A hypothesis currently floating in the cannabis research community suggests this action; when the suppository dissolves in the rectal cavity, it enters the lymphatic system and then travels through the body. In addition, the lymphatic system is the home of the immune system and here the cannabinoids work to boost and strengthen the immune system. A strong immune system is needed to fight cancer, keep in mind, the use of chemotherapy often compromises or destroys one's immune system.

Concentrated cannabinoids, at a ratio of 1:1 CBD to THC have shown to be the most effective ratio for treatment for most types of cancer. It can be taken orally, either in a measured straight dose or contained in an edible. The user would have to slowly titrate up to the higher doses over a period of 1-2 months, allowing the body to acclimate and build a tolerance to the high dose of THC. The body is very adaptable and over time, high doses can be tolerated. Synergy offers a range of infused cookies, using concentrate CO2 extract and pure organic ingredients.

Alternatively Synergy offers concentrated cannabinoids which are dispensed from a syringe; this method makes dosages easy to calculate and administer. This cannabis oil is thick and sticky, like honey. Using a syringe, one can manage the thick extracted oil easily without having it stick to one’s fingers or other implements.

High doses of cannabinoid tinctures are equally effective, many anecdotal cancer success stories have tincture or “cannabis oil” as it is popularly called, as the mode of delivery. Tinctures can be made with any variation of ratio of CBD to THC. Synergy Wellness offers a full range of tinctures with varying ratios of cannabinoids to match different needs.

Synergy tinctures are made from full spectrum cannabis and benefit from the synergistic action of all the cannabinoids present. Traditionally tinctures have been made with an alcohol base. In addition, Synergy also produces tinctures using olive oil and sesame oil, providing highly bioavailable tincture alternatives. Again, it will take 1-2 months for the body to adjust its tolerance levels and acclimate to the higher dosing needed for cancer treatment. One of the advantages of tinctures is the ability to titrate the dose up slowly over time, adding 1-2 drops more, each day.

Topical use of cannabinoids on skin cancer has great value, Synergy offers a 1:1 CBD/THC salve (also called balm) in an extra strong potency for cancer applications. This can be used in combination with a rollerball application, making a cannabinoid sandwich. Our members have had good success using our super strong CO2 extracted cannabis oil applied directly in topical application for skin cancer. It also can work to shrink tumors that are within one inch of the surface of the skin.

A cancer diagnosis will invariably affect the mental state of the individual, as depression and anxiety compound the difficulties of moving through from diagnosis to treatment. In fact, stress and anxiety are two of the main causes of cancer. CBD’s anti-anxiety properties are hugely helpful in dissipating anxiety, elevating the mood, and are the proverbial silver lining of cannabinoid treatment for cancer.

The many positive outcomes from cancer diagnoses using cannabis therapy make heartening reading. Our experience shows having a good anti-cancer diet (including no sugar), daily exercise, good hydration, herbs and mushrooms to boost the immune system, together with a practice of meditation, have proved successful many times over, when combined with cannabis therapy..

Further Reading : ‘CBD: A Patient's Guide to Medicinal Cannabis”

Leonard Leinow & Juliana Birnbaum, 2017, North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, Ca.