The Magic of Gratitude - by Nurse Lauren

What is a life without gratitude? It is like a ship without a sea, darkness without light, endless cold without warmth. Gratitude is the difference between a life celebrated and a life merely tolerated, it is what makes our struggles have meaning at the end of the day. As human beings we have brains that are highly programmable, so much so that there are endless ways that our attention is preyed upon to the detriment of our mental and physical health. This endless distraction is the cause of much suffering, as the baseline misalignment that so many of us live in causes stress that can take a huge toll on our health and well being. If our minds are distracted and confused our bodies follow suit, as above so below. It is a law of the universe that we cannot avoid. A distracted mind will lead to a confused nervous system, a confused immune system, and so forth. Endless dis-ease ensues. Health and feeling good is a process of slowing down and reprogramming the human mind to focus attention on what is actually happening internally, rather than looping through endless external distractions that are provided for us so that we never access our true power.

There are many scientific studies that have shown how our thoughts make our reality, how we literally think ourselves into health and prosperity or into dis-ease and lack. Our thoughts are actual neural pathways in our brain that we pass through electrically when we think. These neural pathways are formed with repetition over time. The good news is we have full control over our thoughts when we decide to become self aware enough to pay attention to them. With dedicated practice and focus we can overhaul our thoughts entirely and refocus on our free will in this life. A simple daily gratitude practice will quite literally re-wire the brain to experience joy, and when done long enough the brain begins to remain in that state at baseline. What a magical phenomenon, we write the story in which we live! There are many studies as well that highlight the healing that takes place while the body is in a relaxed state. The immune system struggles to work effectively when we are in a consistent state of fight or flight, which unfortunately has become where most of the modern populous has found themselves. The use of THC and various forms of CBD will assist the body out of fight or flight, enhancing the ability of the immune system to do its work efficiently. Finding a calm sense of gratitude daily is the difference between being stressed, sick, and controlled by your thoughts and programming, or being healthy, at ease and filled with joy. It’s really quite simple.

During this time of year we are inundated with even more distractions, consumption, and potential exhaustion and burnout. We must remember to take care of ourselves if we wish to be of service to others, as we are all a facet of the same beautiful stone. To care for and walk in alignment with oneself is the ultimate show of love for humanity. We are the parts that make up the whole, we are but spirit masquerading as flesh. Developing a reliable gratitude practice is one way to do your part in this world, as bringing joy to yourself means bringing joy to the collective, as we are one and the same. Bringing cannabis into your practice can enhance the feelings of calm and wellbeing required to facilitate healing in your body. Meditation and cannabis have been used for millennia by the sages as a means to access the divine and dance in ecstatic bliss. It’s time for us to observe these practices as an integral means to heal this world via healing each one of ourselves. Living in our power is like taking the reins of our own well-being, it is an indispensable part of a life well lived. May you all find the power of spirit that burns so brightly within every human soul. May we all learn to live in love and gratitude every day of our lives.