A Woman’s Perspective on a THC-rich Cannabis Experience
This is general and not pertinent to just women, but I wanted to address this potential elephant in the room with regards to THC: many people seem to have concerns about the potential less-than-desirable effects of THC. Things I have heard range from being ‘extremely self-conscious’ to ‘paranoid’ to ‘lethargic’ once the ‘high’ wears off.
While clearly, the effects of THC in Cannabis are a very personal experience and it is clearly not for everyone, there may be ways to work with it that can reframe these effects.
Is being ‘self-conscious’ so wrong, if you are not in the mode of ‘self-criticism?’
While under the influence of THC, I have often felt like I am watching a movie of myself moving through the world. I think it is this sensation that might make some people feel uncomfortable.
In the philosophy of Yoga, Purusha and Prakriti, are the two aspects to all matter and creation:
Purusha is the soul, or pure consciousness. Prakriti is everything created - thoughts, memories, desires, even intelligence. One analogy likens it to the Clockmaker (Purusha) and the clock itself (Prakriti). I have also heard of Purusha referred to as the Witness and Prakriti as the ???
Sometimes in the liminal spaces of heightened awareness of Cannabis, I can touch into that ‘Witness’ role. Something beyond me is witnessing everything I do, say, think, and feel. It is a fine line, between being the ‘Witness’ and slipping into that which emanates from the Witness - Once you start judging the being that is you, you are no longer in the ‘Witness’ role of pure consciousness, or Purusha.
But to be able to dance in that space is something I often attribute to THC influence.
With regard to women specifically, there are a couple of things that come to mind:
Stoner-moms rule!
I have a couple of THC-loving friends who are mothers of young children and they themselves are ‘older’ moms, having had kids in their late 30’s, early 40’s. You might have heard the phrase that parenting is a ‘young person’s sport’ because energy and tolerance are two things that typically wane with age and you need them in spades for the ‘sport’ of parenting small children.
What both of these women have expressed to me is that cannabis has helped them to alter in just the right way that they are drawn into their ‘child-like’ mind which helps them relate to their small children’s sense of wonder and helps them to essentially be more engaged ‘play mates’ with their kids. If this isn’t a great benefit of cannabis, I don’t know what is!
To be. Right. Here.
One aspect of being child-like is being very present and ‘in the moment’ - being immersed in the sensory aspects of one’s moment , and these senses are very heightened with the effects of THC). How this translates for me personally into a spiritual practice is that I realize so many of the things that often occupy my mind throughout the day are menial, or beleaguered by anxious-thinking - or anything but the present: anticipating a future moment or consumed by thoughts of a past moment, when the most important thing is to be. Right. Here.
This is the crux of buddhist philosophy, what we are trained to strive for in meditation, to be present, to sense all, to absorb, to feel, to release.
Maybe not realistic nor even very functional to be constantly in this state of mind but cannabis can provide a reminder and support to the daily practices, can contribute to more presence and peace of mind in the big pictureOnly monks in secluded monasteries can meditate all day long and only people who stay in Never-never land can be stoned 24/7, you Peters Pans you.
Stoner Grandmas rule!
Another perspective, I draw in the example of my 81-year-old mother. She found herself, like many others, dealing with an unsettling amount of anxiety during the last few years from the stresses of dealing with the pandemic and for her, the disturbing path that politics are currently going in the United States. To the point of affecting her sleep, affecting her sense of physical wellness and affecting her state of emotional well-being.
And then she welcomes Cannabis into her world. She started using tincture to help her sleep and then eventually started to use it during the day ‘recreationally’ - i put this in quotes because it felt a alot more like a form of emotional support, rather than to giggle or to be playful. All of it really worked for her; helped her to relieve her anxiety and stay more in the moment, appreciating the little things, taking care of the big things and forgetting about the stupid things.
The side-effects? Because it is still stigmatized by people from her generation and local community, it is something she does privately, in the discretion of her home and not with her friends and is very discreet with most of her family members.
I have encountered many people who find it more enjoyable to do by themselves rather than in social setting or amongst a large crowd. I am someone who enjoys most of the ways cannabis can be used but I do have a personal preference to enjoy cannabis on my own, providing me with a mind space where I can more easily attune to the spiritually-enhancing benefits of it all.
To be or not to be?
As with other plant medicines and the spirits of our alchemist, gin, vodka, whiskey, you name it. . It is important to remind oneself how anything potentially pleasant, or even therapeutic, has a delicate balance which can easily have a polar effect desired and/or imbibe someone to misuse.
Too much imbibing of cannabis can often lead to lethargy, over-eating, or even mood disorders so it is important to use it moderately (again, each individual has their own interpretation of what that line is for them) and constructively, not destructively.
Being a cannabis user for the last 40 years of my life, I have learned to dance that line with grace, occasionally stumbling and maybe fallen a couple time. Only to get up stronger and always realizing the importance of healthy relationships, which is a constant and ever-changing choreography in our time here on mother earth.
Cannabis, Sex and Women’s Roar
There is a plethora of historical and anecdotal data regarding the positive effects that cannabis can have with regard to female sexual senstivity and sexual libido. Though science has yet to catch up in terms of empirical studies that prove a correlation, the word on the street is there is a strong connection between cannabis and the enhanced experience with sexual mood and sensations.
Of the scientific studies, many had to do with interviewing large groups of women cannabis users with regard specifically to the effects cannabis had on their sexuality and the results were fairly overwhelmingly indicative of a strong correlation between enhanced sexual effects and cannabis use. There is also an ongoing body of research regarding the healing aspects of a healthy sexual response - that the chemical response to orgasm can trigger beneficial mechanisms.
Improved cardiovascular health
Enhanced sleep cycle, Prolactin and Ocxytocin release
Pain reduction, Endorphins and Corticosteroids release
Improved Immunity, DHEA release
Reduced risk of prostate cancer
Improved mood and emotional health, dopamine and oxytocin release
Enhanced brain stimulation from increased blood flow
Strengthening of the pelvic floor
Yogabis !!!
And as someone who has taught yoga for the last twenty years and have been practicing for over 30 years and as someone who is ‘THC-positive’, I have found being slightly altered often helps me to really ‘be’ in my body in a much more profound way. When I bring that to the Mat, it facilitates a deepening of my practice that I have found to be very beneficial, both as a practitioner and as a teacher. Keep in mind, my personal yoga practice preference is to have a gentle and slow practice while altered, being attentive to my breathing, rather than a fast-paced and rigorous practice that is focused on strengthening and toning. Go surf you sillies.
For many people, Indica-dominant cannabis tends to be more body-centered and Sativa-dominant cannabis tends to be more cerebral so one might bear that in mind when seeking to experiment where sex or yoga is concerned but there are no written-in-stone rules regarding how cannabis effects each individual so it is all about experimenting.
Just as with any relationship, whether it be with a person, or a substance, we must find our comfort zone and nurture the aspects that bring out the best in us and hopefully have fun in the process.
With this mind, I always give Synergy Wellness the big nod, because of their unrivaled variety of hybrid CBD/THC strains, because they use specific varieties for their formulations and because they create a variety of ratios and potencies. I especially appreciate this in a marketplace which seems to favor increasingly stronger-potency THC strains, which in my opinion is way stronger than necessary. Call me old-fashioned but I prefer to get heightened rather than obliterated.