LL Prostate Journey by Leonard Leinow

Leonard’s Prostate Journey:

In October, 2023, during a physical exam at Kaiser, I was informed I had a “nodule” on my prostate, a protruding tumor that is small, less than 1 cm. This one was pushing up on the surface of the prostate wall, such that it can be felt with a finger during a digital exam. I was told it was shaped like a coin, flat and round, and raised with a definite ridge around the edge, very firm and hard. 

I did a biopsy, where they drill 14 holes taking core samples. The lab test results showed that 4 of the samples were positive with cancer in them. The grade of the cancer was quite high. One sample had a Gleason score 8 (4+4), which is considered “Aggressive and High Risk”. Three other samples were Gleason score 7 (4+3), on both sides of the prostate, making it a bilateral condition. 

Gleason 8 with activity on both sides of the prostate, is not good news. However, as an optimist, I noticed the other 10 core samples did not have any cancer in them. Only 4 out of 14 were positive. That is only 28% positive, which means 78% of the test results were healthy normal cells.

Next, we did a PSMA PET scan to assess if there is any spreading or metastasis, a test required before getting a diagnosis and a treatment plan.

It was one month between the biopsy and the PET scan. Until I had the results of the scan, there was nothing I could do. It was interesting to watch the mind wanting to get carried away with OMG scenarios. Diligently watching the mind was like being in a month-long meditation retreat.

Finally, the PET scan confirmed that the cancerous tumor was totally contained within the walls of the prostate. YEAH!!!  No spreading to any lymph nodes or other locations. The tumor has probably been growing for 20 years. Even though they are calling it “aggressive”, it is not growing fast. I also learned 80% of men age 80+ have cancer in their prostate.  Most men die with it, not from it. I’m 81 years old now.

Treatment Options:

Kaiser said I was too old to have a proctectomy, surgical removal, because of probable side effects, like incontinence and erectile disfunction.  The only option Kaiser offered was radiation, coupled with ADT therapy. ADT (androgen deprivation) is hormone therapy to eliminate testosterone.

I wanted a second opinion. At UCSF, I got an appointment with Dr. Peter Carroll, the head of the Urology Department. He is a nationally acclaimed expert in this field. He examined me, ran a bunch more tests and his recommendation was the same: Radiation, plus ADT therapy.

I told him I was reluctant to do either of these. Dr. Carroll agreed to put me on an “Active Surveillance” program. He would monitor me through the process to get scans (PET, MRI, Ultrasound, etc.) every 4-6 months. I also would get quarterly PSA blood tests. So far, my PSA was fairly low, around 4.0.

“This is a slow growing cancer, with a low stage, but a high grade. Because it is in the high risk and aggressive range”, doctors say “the tumor will definitely grow and spread, someday”. I must confess; I am a rebel, A Rebel With a Cause. When given the diagnosis, I listened to what the doctors said. In addition, l  listened deep inside with my intuition. I use my connection with Spirit. When I heard this diagnosis, I could not believe it. My gut said “There must be another Way”. I believe all things are possible. I believe this can be managed. I believe we all have the power to heal ourselves.

My theory, based on observing clients over the years; Cannabis can help manage cancer in a couple of ways:

  • A) It can stop the growth of the tumor. High doses of CBD can manage the growth rate of cancer cells. CBD inhibits the propagation of new cancer cells.  This prevents the return of cancer.

  • B) It can dissolve the tumor. High doses of THC cause the tumor to dissolve. It encourages apoptosis of the cancer cell. If one can physically feel the tumor, it usually starts off hard like a rock. Then, after some time, it feels softer, like a grape. And then, after some more time, it can’t be found. It disappears.  It’s not really shrinking it, rather, it is dissolving. It may still have the same lineal dimension, but the density is reducing.

  • C) We are not stuck using what used to be the only method of consumption. High doses taken orally resulted in extreme high psychoactivity.The cannabinoids taken via a suppository will travel throughout the body via the lymphatic and blood system, bypassing the liver, and are not psychoactive.

In my case, the cancer had not spread beyond the prostate walls at all. NO metastasis. No Cancer is showing up in any lymph nodes. Because of this, I have the luxury of time to look into alternative methods.

I have chosen a Holistic approach to manage my condition, using Diet, Life Style, Meditation, Supplements, Exercise and Cannabis therapy.

  • Cannabis Suppositories – I am taking 600 mg of cannabinoids in suppository form every day (200 CBD, 200 THC, 100 CBG, 100 CBN). FYI taking THC as a rectal suppository is not psychoactive, even high doses like this, which is the equivalent of 20 doses orally. Also, suppositories put the cannabinoids right next to the prostate, where they are needed.  (Synergy Wellness #685)

  •  Supplements – I am taking lots of vitamins and medicinal mushrooms. I make a juice drink made from fresh turmeric and ginger root with grapefruit.

  • Diet – The main core of my diet is zero sugar, because sugar feeds cancer.  This self-designed diet is a Vegan-ish Mediterranean diet with seafood.

  • Increased Exercise – 30+ minutes / day – swimming, strength training, biking.

  • Heat Therapy – 2-3 long (30 minute) hot (180F) saunas a week.

This was a real wake-up call. I had to look at every aspect of my life. I have reframed this in my mind. Instead of having cancer, I have a Metabolic Disorder, and I am managing it quite well.  Most importantly, I have changed my outlook on life. I am more glad to be alive. I am much more appreciative of every moment, enjoying the beauty of nature and my connection with all life. I have much more gratitude.  My current motto is: Less Stress and More Love.

All of this work is slowly moving the needle in the right direction. After one year, the tumor is stable, not growing. Scans show a slight decrease in prostate size, by 11%.  The nodule, while still there, is not as prominent, not protruding as much, no ridge and the edges are rounded.  One doctor said the tumor felt softer to touch. 

All very good news and I feel great. I want to emphasize that cannabis alone does not cure cancer. However, combining cannabis therapy together with a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet, will give you a better chance to live in harmony with cancer. The doctors agree I should keep doing whatever I am doing. I figure I have about one more year to go with my current protocol before it disappears altogether. Thank you, Great Spirit. I am definitely full of gratitude and Giving Thanks on this day of Thanksgiving.

With Love,


The Wizard of Woodacre 

If you want more details, please send me an email: Leonard@synergyCBD.com

Wisdome of Winnie the Pooh

"Piglet?" said Pooh.
"Yes?" said Piglet.
"I'm scared," said Pooh.
For a moment, there was silence.
"Would you like to talk about it?" asked Piglet, when Pooh didn't appear to be saying anything further.
"I'm just so scared," blurted out Pooh.
"So anxious. Because I don't feel like things are getting any better. If anything, I feel like they might be getting worse. People are angry, because they're so scared, and they're turning on one another, and there seems to be no clear plan out of here, and I worry about my friends and the people I love, and I wish SO much that I could give them all a hug, and oh, Piglet! I am so scared, and I cannot tell you how much I wish it wasn't so."
Piglet was thoughtful, as he looked out at the blue of the skies, peeping between the branches of the trees in the Hundred Acre Wood, and listened to his friend.
"I'm here," he said, simply. "I hear you, Pooh. And I'm here."
For a moment, Pooh was perplexed.
"But... aren't you going to tell me not to be so silly? That I should stop getting myself into a state and pull myself together? That it's hard for everyone right now?"
"No," said Piglet, quite decisively. "No, I am very much not going to do any of those things."
“But - " said Pooh.
"I can't change the world right now," continued Piglet. "And I am not going to patronize you with platitudes about how everything will be okay, because I don't know that.
"What I can do, though, Pooh, is that I can make sure that you know that I am here. And that I will always be here, to listen; and to support you; and for you to know that you are heard.
"I can't make those Anxious Feelings go away, not really.
"But I can promise you that, all the time I have breath left in my body...you won't ever need to feel those Anxious Feelings alone."
And it was a strange thing, because even as Piglet said that, Pooh could feel some of those Anxious Feelings start to loosen their grip on him and could feel one or two of them start to slither away into the forest, cowed by his friend, who sat there stolidly next to him. 


The Staff at Synergy Wellness is here for you.

Seasonal Immune Support: Fire Cider with CBD

When Autumn arrives, so do colds and viruses, this is a daily immune-boosting tonic that supports our immune system’s ability to fight off seasonal maladies. The recipe is a guideline, feel free to add your favorite ingredients to personalize your Fire Cider.


  • 1 chopped Onion

  • 1 head chopped Garlic

  • 1 cup fresh sliced Horseradish Root

  • 1 cup chopped or grated fresh Ginger root

  • 4-6 hot peppers, Jalapenos, Scotch Bonnets

  • 2 teaspoons of peppercorns

  • Apple Cider Vinegar - enough to fill the jar

  • Honey, local and raw is best

  • 60ml CBD alcohol-based tincture

Optional adds:

  • ¼ - ½ cup rosehips (fresh whole or dried)

  • ¼ - ½ cup fresh grated turmeric or 1 tablespoon powdered turmeric

  • A tablespoon of any or all of these: rosemary, mullein, hyssop, thyme, dried reishi mushroom, astragalus.

Equipment - a half gallon glass jar with a BPA-free plastic lid or a wax paper lined metal lid ( otherwise the metal and vinegar will interact and the cider will go bad)



1. Chop or grate your horseradish root, peppers, ginger, turmeric, onion. Garlic and anything else you fancy adding.

2. Add all your ingredients to your jar and pour Apple Cider Vinegar over until all ingredients are covered.

3. Shake the jar vigorously and then then open it up to make sure all the contents are submerged, add more Apple Cider Vinegar to cover everything.

4. Keep in a cool dark spot, or at least out of direct sunlight for 4 - 6 weeks and shake daily. After a couple of weeks the contents will sink down, you can add more ACV if you want to have more final product. At this time supplementary herbs can be added: for added respiratory support use thyme, hyssop or mullein, for circulatory benefits add yarrow, rosemary and extra peppercorns, for extra immune support try elderberries, astragulus or dried reishi. 

5. After 4-6 weeks of steeping & shaking strain the cider, using a fine mesh strainer, cheesecloth or muslin. You will probably have 2-3 cups of filtered cider, add an equal amount of honey, but add incrementally, I find that less honey works just as well, its just a question of how sweet you want it to be.

6. Add your CBD alcohol tincture - I add a dropperful per cup, but you can add more if you want.

7. Bottle and store in a cool dark place or in the fridge. Take the cider in a dropper or a shot or my favorite method which is to add a couple of dropperfuls to my favorite herbal tea.