Cannabis Revisited: How Science is Debunking the Myths

The 21st century rehabilitation of cannabis, as a valuable medical resource, is a triumph of rational science over cultural propaganda.

Cannabis and hemp have been part of the human experience for thousands of years; from India to China and Europe and then to the Americas, cannabis has been utilized for medicine, food, fabric and fiber. Until 1937, Cannabis was listed as a medicine in the American Pharmacopeia, recommended for the treatment of migraines, muscle aches and menstrual cramps.

Martin Lee’s 2012 opus “Smoke Signals'' details the outlawing and demonization of cannabis during the twentieth century and the fight to rehabilitate the plant which culminated in the breakthrough California legalization of 1996. Today, 37 American states have legitimized and reinstated cannabis for medical use and in many states, including California, recreational use is also legal.

Unfortunately the notoriety and misinformation about cannabis is taking longer to reverse than cannabis’ legal status. Although medical cannabis is a multi -billion dollar industry in the U.S. alone, many people still believe that cannabis is a dangerous addictive drug without medical value.

Since the 1960s when Dr Raphael Mechoulam began to study the chemical structures of cannabinoids, hundreds of scientific studies have proved the many health benefits that cannabis has on humans and all mammalian life forms. This extensive body of research has improved life for sufferers of severe conditions; epilepsy, arthritis, autism and anxiety disorders to name but a few.

So, for the record, and to dispel any lingering doubts, here is the science which underwrites cannabis medicine.


Cannabis has a reputation for making people ineffective, bluntly, stupid. The science shows the opposite, numerous studies have shown that cannabis promotes the growth and development of new brain cells. Cannabis is also inherently neuroprotective, a 2006 study on focussed on stroke victims, traumatic brain injuries and oxygen-deprived newborns, showed cannabis treatment healed injuries faster and decreased long-term sustained brain damage. The study demonstrated that the neuroprotective value of cannabinoids was higher than any other class of chemical compounds.

CBD has been recognised for alleviating symptoms associated with degenerative brain conditions including Dementia, Multiple Sclerosis and Altzeimers. THC is the only cannabinoid which has a psychotropic effect on the brain which some people find pleasurable, while others don’t. The idea that cannabis causes mental instability, precursing schizophrenia is not borne out in any existing data. In fact cannabis, especially CBD, has proved to be helpful with mental conditions, easing depression, PTSD, bipolar and schizophrenia symptoms.

Cannabis is closely associated with smoking in popular mythology and has an unfounded reputation for causing lung cancer. A large study concluded in 2006 reporting that cannabis smokers had an equal or lower rate of lung or respiratory cancers than non-users. Cannabis has proved its value in the treatment of many forms of cancer also alleviating debilitating chemo symptoms like nausea and nerve pain. In addition, research studies have proven THC shrinks cancer tumors and CBD stops the proliferation of new cancer cells.

Yet another negative stereotype is that cannabis makes you eat uncontrollably and saps motivation. Cannabis certainly has been shown to ease nausea and stimulate appetite in both HIV patients and chemo patients. For those who prefer to avoid appetite stimulation, strains high in CBD and THCV can circumvent this side effect. Some of our members claim CBD has helped them lose weight and keep it off and THCV has blood sugar regulation properties that stave off appetite. Also, take into account that in 2011, a large scale study of 52,000 individuals conducted by the American Journal of Epidemiology showed cannabis users were a third less likely to be obese than non-cannabis users. Cannabinoids can affect metabolic hormones, stimulating or repressing appetite and regulating weight loss and gain, If used thoughtfully the pitfall of the “munchies” can often be avoided.

One of the most sinister and off-putting negative claims about cannabis use is that it is a threshold ‘drug’ which leads to drug addiction. Cannabis users have a very low statistical rate of developing dependency or encouraging use of other recreational drugs. Recently cannabis has been shown to be an effective ‘exit drug’ easing withdrawal and cravings from other substance addictions. A recent Californian study of 350 cannabis users showed 40% substituted cannabis for alcohol, 26% for illicit drugs and a massive 60% for prescription drugs. CBD and THC have been used strategically to help people end addiction to opioids.

As the reality of cannabis as an indispensable medical resource is realized by an ever increasing body of users, these outdated and erroneous opinions are losing credibility and cannabis treatment is rising.

“The endocannabinoid system and neurogenesis in health and disease”

The Neuroscientist 13.2 (2007): 109-114

Baker D, Pryce G, Giovannoni G, Thompson AJ. ‘The Therapeutic Potential of Cannabis’ Lancet Neurology 2003; 2-291-298

Ramírez, Belén G., et al. “Prevention of Alzheimer’s disease pathology by cannabinoids: neuroprotection mediated by blockade of microglial activation.” The Journal of Neuroscience 25.8 (2005): 1904-1913.

Tait, Robert J., Andrew Mackinnon, and Helen Christensen. “Cannabis use and cognitive function: 8‐year trajectory in a young adult cohort.” Addiction 106.12 (2011): 2195-2203.

Anthony JC, Warner L, Kessler R. Comparative epidemiology of dependence on tobacco, alcohol, controlled substances and inhalants: basic findings from the National Comorbidity Survey. Exp Clin Psychopharmacol 1994; 2: 244–68.

Le Strat, Yann, and Bernard Le Foll. “Obesity and cannabis use: results from 2 representative national surveys.” American journal of epidemiology (2011): kwr200.

Seasonal Allergies - CBD Can Help

Seasonal allergies are no fun for sufferers; itchy eyes, sneezing fits and a constant runny nose can make the springtime miserable. Pharmaceutical medications with antihistamine and anti-inflammatory agents are often effective but can have undesirable side effects. Perhaps those of use suffering should consider CBD. Research and experience show that CBD has both antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties and can be used as a natural alternative to alleviate allergic symptoms.

A recent study looking at CBD’s immune suppressing action concluded CBD acts as an antihistamine when ingested, controlling immune responses when the body comes into contact with potential allergens. The working theory is that CBD may prevent some allergic reactions before they occur by suppressing responses from the immune system. This indicates that CBD acts as an immunoregulatory agent and may deter allergic response.

CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties are well documented. CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system (an important series of receptors located throughout the body). When interacting with these receptors, CBD triggers an anti-inflammatory response. This could make CBD a valuable tool for those suffering from inflammation of the nose, throat, face, eyes, and skin.

The science suggests daily CBD may also work as a preventative treatment in seasonal allergies, preventing or rolling back the onset of unpleasant symptoms. Dosage will vary from person to person and, as always, it is important to record your dose, track efficacy and titrate up/down accordingly.

Using broad spectrum CBD products for allergies is best. The terpenes present contain other potential helpers. A 2009 study discovered that pinene (a terpene found in cannabis and hemp) reduced allergic symptoms in mice. The study suggests that pinene is an extremely promising anti-allergenic agent. Another important terpene found in our full spectrum products is beta caryophyllene, which research has found to be very anti-inflammatory. Our philosophy is to let the wisdom of nature guide us. We do not remove terpenes or any of the minor cannabinoids from our products, we extract and enhance all of what is present in the plant knowing it will make for the most effective remedies.

If you are curious about trying CBD for seasonal allergies we suggest trying a high CBD tincture. Valentine X and Ringo’s Gift are both recommended for daytime use, with no drowsiness. To establish an effective dose, start with 10 drops in the morning and see if symptoms abate. If symptoms persist try adding incrementally to the dose, it may take a week or two to find your dose.

Dr Moscowitz recommends using a CBD rich vaporizer, if you are sensitive to a particular environment or feel the onset of an allergic reaction. Vaporizing is the quickest method of getting CBD into the bloodstream via the lungs.

There is no guarantee that CBD will alleviate seasonal allergies, but following the current research and anecdotal reports, it certainly has potential as a natural remedy for exaggerated immune response, inflamed membranes and the dreaded sniffles and sneezes.

Synergy Wellness recommended products:

Ringo’s Gift CBD-rich tincture available three ways: #141 in sesame oil, #142 in organic alcohol, #143 in olive oil.

Valentine X CBD-rich tincture : #110 in organic alcohol, #111 in olive Oil, #112 in sesame oil

AC/DC CBD-rich vaporizer cartridge #351

Small-Howard, A. L., Shimoda, L. M., Adra, C. N., & Turner, H. (2005). Anti-inflammatory potential of CB1-mediated cAMP elevation in mast cells. Biochemical Journal, 388(2), 465-473.

Atalay, S., Jarocka-Karpowicz, I., & Skrzydlewska, E. (2020). Antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties of cannabidiol. Antioxidants, 9(1), 21.

Nam, S. Y., Chung, C. K., Seo, J. H., Rah, S. Y., Kim, H. M., & Jeong, H. J. (2014). The therapeutic efficacy of α-pinene in an experimental mouse model of allergic rhinitis. International immunopharmacology, 23(1), 273-282.

The Incredible Antiviral Capabilities of CBD

In the 1990’s ethnobotanist Terence McKenna proposed a theory of human development that he called the Uptake of Novelty theory. The premise was that human culture developed through the uptake of novelty; if some new idea or technique was useful it was adopted. Incredible results from new research on CBD’s potential as an antiviral treatment shows us how the cannabinoid combats RNA virus’. An exciting novel discovery that could change modern medicine’s response in protecting against viral infections.

Early in the pandemic, research from Toronto and Oregon universities looked at treating Covid (SARS-CoV2) with CBD and saw that it could help prevent infection and also fight the virus at a cellular level. Now new research conducted on the Wuhan strain and three other VOCs (Variants of Concern) gave positive results which were consistent across virus strains. Also, it appears that CBD’s antiviral action is capable of fighting other RNA viruses: influenza, Hepatitis C, common cold, measles, mumps and even ebola! (View Source)

The new peer-reviewed research (1) used pure CBD and conducted the study using CBD from four separate suppliers, all of which tested 97% to 100% pure. Human lung cells with ACE2 receptors were treated with CBD two hours before being infected with Covid. The CBD dosage was scaled for safety in humans, it entirely prevented infection.

The same study was conducted on mice, and had the same result, 100% protection result. In a related experiment, mice infected with Covid were given CBD twice daily and showed 40% less viral particles in their lungs than the untreated control group.

This breakthrough study has detailed the actions that CBD takes to protect cells from RNA viruses, here in brief summary:

CBD is a regulator of “host stress” helping the cell respond to infection by activating anti-viral inflammatory response.

Inhibits the release of cytokines which cause the “cytokine storm” of full-blown Covid infection.

CBD and its metabolite (its molecular descendant), 7-hydroxy-cannabidiol is also antiviral and continues to work for a longer period than the initial CBD dose.

CBD acts quickly on viral infection, aiding all the host cell processes: inhibiting viral RNA expression and reversing viral-induced changes in the cell.

The evidence is clear and we hope that more clinical trials will follow and CBD medication will become accepted as protection against, and treatment for, RNA virus infections.

Synergy Wellness acted on the early research and formulated Super Immune Capsules with Dr Moskowitz, using raw CBDa and CBGa, the latter also known to have immune boosting properties. The raw acid forms of the cannabinoids were used as they are more bioavailable than their processed versions.

As the pandemic eases into its endemic status there are plenty of new Covid cases and variants circulating in the world populations.

There is also the future of CBD in regard to the treatment of other RNA viruses, we believe these discoveries will revolutionize treatment for all of these infectious diseases.

Here in California our legislation means we don’t have to wait to use the natural medicine that science has shown to be incredibly effective.

Recommended products:

#241 Synergy Wellness Super Immune Capsules, 25 mg, 30 count.

#657, #658, #359 Synergy Wellness AC/DC CBD capsules 25mg, available in 30, 60, 90 counts.


National Library of Medicine - cbda/cbga

Science Advances - new cbd