A Happy Healthy New Year with Cannabis

By Billee Sharp

A Happy New Year to all! In Chinese astrology 2023 is the year of the Water Rabbit which is characterized as holding great hope for the future. 2023 is already bringing us Californians much-needed rain in abundance. Despite the storms and the sad losses, this weather has to be seen as a good omen, even if a little soggy!

January 1st is traditionally Resolution Day and many of us set an intention for positive changes to our behavior in the coming year.

Unfortunately, whether it's giving up smoking or starting an exercise regime, these lofty intentions are susceptible to early abandonment unless we are very determined.

Having realistic expectations and setting reasonable goals are how I try to keep my resolutions alive - and I give myself parameters too;

Instead of hardline daily yoga dictum I tell myself at least 5 times a week, then if I do miss a day, I don’t completely despair.

Most resolutions seem to be set to improve health, creativity and life enjoyment, these three categories overlap in so many ways that working on your health generally brings increased energy and enthusiasm; vital ingredients for improving quality of life. To help us to keep our resolutions alive well into 2023, I’ve compiled some ways that using cannabis can support lifestyle changes.

After feasting through Christmas and New Year indulging in sweet seasonal treats, many of us guiltily choose weight loss as our resolution. If you are lucky, your recent gluttony, which is now making your clothes uncomfortably tight, will trigger a desire for plain simple food; fresh vegetables, white meat and fish, whole grains and fruit. However, at this time of year there are still many tempting uneaten goodies lurking about, and the wet weather is keeping us at home tucked up on the snacking territory of the sofa. If keeping to a restricted diet is hard for you, interesting new research on the appetite suppressing attributes of CBD could help you out.

In 2016 researchers investigated the role of CBD in the breakdown of fatty acids. The trial showed clearly that CBD stimulates more efficient breakdown of fats; the trial showed cannabis users had a higher calorific burn rate and lower BMI (Body Mass Index) than the control group. In 2018 further research on possible links between cannabinoids and obesity assessed the relationship of cannabinoids with the microbiome of the gut. There are both CB1 and CB2 receptors in the gut and a bidirectional relationship was observed with the receptor both relaying messages from the gut to the brain and all other organs and systems, as well as regulating the condition of the gut itself.

CBG has also been associated with digestive health conditions with irritable bowel syndrome and colitis responding well to a combination of CBD and CBG.

While THC is widely recognised as an appetite stimulant, there is much anecdotal evidence that CBD acts as an appetite suppressant; as a powerful anti-anxietal, cravings and addictions become easier to resist.

Taking CBD and or CBD:CBG in tincture or raw capsule form is definitely a worthwhile supplement when weight loss is the aim. A well functioning digestive system burns fats quicker and gives us the energy to exercise and tone our new slimmer selves!

The hardest resolution is giving up anything! Particularly challenging are the big three; sugar, alcohol and tobacco, but binge-watching is also a tough one! CBD with its calming and anxiety relieving properties is most helpful when overcoming both physical and psychological addictions. If craving is a major stumbling block, taking a substantial dose of CBD in the morning will help. A 50g raw CBD capsule will give a sustained calming effect for up to eight hours. Smokers can benefit from a CBD vape: the instantaneous bloodstream absorption of CBD via the lungs relieves an anxious craving instantaneously. Sublingual CBD tincture will also give a rapid onset of relief if you feel your resolve wavering. Keep a tincture or vape pen with you during the day to top up your dose if necessary, and strengthen your resolve!

At the beginning of the year we see a flurry of invigorated walkers, joggers and cyclists out and about in new sneakers and sportswear but the numbers do seem to dwindle. Often a new exercise regime will have you aching in muscles you didn’t know existed. Remembering to do a warm up and end of session muscle stretches is essential but if you do start to ache reach for Synergy 1:1 THC:CBD Super Salve. The beauty of combining the actions of THC and CBD in a topical is that THC will address the pain without any psychoactive effect, while CBD will bring down inflammation. My husband was ambitiously weight-lifting at this time last year which quickly resulted in painful damage to his shoulder. Synergy Super Salve was his go-to for pain relief supplemented with 1:1 CBD:THC tincture, the combination of the two allowed him to sleep at night.

Looking after ourselves is generally something we can improve on, I lean towards the self-care variety of resolutions. For years my resolution has been the same; ‘floss twice daily’ but this year my resolution is on a grander scale of self care: I’ve made a list of dental and health checks which I’m planning to tick off one by one. As soon as I’ve done everything on the list I plan on rewarding myself with a trip to the mineral baths in Ukiah.

I’m also taking extra care of my immune system after my first Covid-19 infection last fall. I'm taking Super Immunity CBDA:CBGA raw capsules to bolster my immune response to viruses and to keep supporting my recovering respiratory system. Interestingly, I feel that the daily dose is also helping my digestive system, and bolstering my energy levels.

Self-care is really about being self aware and paying attention to the needs of the body. On that note, ladies, Synergy Sensual Wellness oil delivers CBD and THC in a delicate botanical infusion to condition and stimulate sensitive tissue. This is an intimate product perfect for massage and enhancing self pleasure and a revitalizing reward for taking care of yourself!

Whatever your resolution is for 2023, we’re here to support your health with our wide range of medical cannabis products!


by Dharma Clement

It is fair to say the most well known type of cannabis oil amongst the afficionados in the cannabis world is Rick Simpson’s Oil, its acronym RSO, is an alcohol distillation and evaporation process producing a highly concentrated cannabis oil that has been generally recommended for cancer treatments. In the cannabis industry, this is considered crude grade oil. Great medicinal properties with maybe a bit too much of the herbal medicinal taste.

The name Rick Simpson is from the man who educated on and advocated for the extraction process to help people with their healthcare issues. It all started in 2003, when he was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma, a type of skin cancer and said he cured his skin cancer by using RSO topically, but it can be taken orally to address internal cancers as well.

The basic steps of extraction requires a prepping of the flower buds and a machine to extract the cannabinoids and terpenes from the flower. There are a multiple types of machine to use, each relying on extraction through an alcohol base, through pressure and heat.

There are two main distinct extraction processes: the solventless method, which use low heat and pressure to break off or melt the cannabinoid trichomes from the cannabis flower and the solvent base extraction methods use a volatile chemical to dissolve the trichomes from the rest of the cannabis plant matter to produce a potent cannabis oil.

Our preference for high potency cannabis oil is derived from the solventless Co2 extraction method. This extraction methodis a combination of the critical temperature of carbon dioxide at 87.8* F combined with the high pressure of 1070 psi within a stainless steel vessel. This process helps preserve more of the plant’s fragile oils, such as minor cannabinoids and temperature sensitive terpenes which are damages and often lost entirely when extracted with solvents..

In the solvent based extraction world there are multiple approaches. The majority of cannabis oil is derived from the hydrocarbon method, involving the use of either butane or propane. Butane is the industry’s favorite extraction method because of its capacity to extract the most cannabinoids and terpenes from the flower medium in the most efficient processing time. However it does require diligence and vigilance for the final cannabis oil to be free of any remaining solvents. Being so, we prefer the hands-on craft approach and make little use of this type of cannabis oil.

Today, we have a new wave of products derived from what the industry calls “fresh frozen” , meaning to frozen right at the point of harvest, which entails stripping the water leaves, branches and stems and then vacuum sealing the flowers in 1 -2lbs bags and then placing them in a freezer at -38c . Some cultivators go one step further and add dry ice into the freezer.

This “fresh frozen” procedure does the best job of preserving the cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids that the particular cannabis varietal produced during its flowering cycle. From fresh frozen flower extractors can produce a high quality cannabis oil, with a broad spectrum of cannabinoids and a majority of the original terpenes.

At Synergy Wellness, we use this high quality Co2 Oil to make quite a few of our products. We incorporate the oils into all of our topical products, including the sensual oil, they are the only ingredients in our cartridges, and we use a combination of 2 to create our suppositories and a few of the blended tinctures.

Christmas Cheer: Synergy Wellness CBD Fire Cider

CBD Fire Cider is a perfect winter holiday beverage, packed with helpful herbs and spices, this warming elixir is an easy to make  relaxing immune-boosting tonic. This recipe is adapted from Rosemary Gladstar’s original fire cider recipe to include our own special ingredient; CBD-rich tincture. Feel free to substitute or add other herbs, spices and fruits that appeal to you. A tablespoon or two of fire cider added to warmed apple juice or boiled water makes a hearty toddy, or add to soda water for a fiery party spritzer!

You’ll need:  A quart size jar with a lid, parchment paper, cheesecloth for straining.


  • 1 medium size onion, roughly chopped

  • 10 cloves of garlic, roughly chopped

  • 2 jalapeno peppers, deseeded and chopped

  • Zest and juice of one lemon

  • 30-60 drops of Synergy CBD-rich tincture ( alcohol or oil-based)

  • ½ cup of grated fresh ginger, or ginger root powder

  • ½ cup of grated fresh horseradish, or horseradish powder

  • 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder

  • ¼ teaspoon of cayenne powder

  • 2 tablespoons of dried rosemary leaves

  • Apple cider vinegar

  • ¼ cup honey

Prepare your fruits, roots and herbs and place in a quart-sized jar. 

Add the CBD tincture drops and pour the apple cider vinegar over the ingredients and fill the jar to the top.

Cut out a disc of parchment paper and place over the jar, this is to stop the vinegar from touching the metal lid, alternatively use a plastic lid if you have one.

Shake the cider well and leave in a cool dark place, give it a good shake everyday. The longer the cider is left infusing the stronger it will become. Some people like to leave it infusing for a month, some even bury it in the ground to cure! I prefer a lighter infusion and I strain my cider after four or five days!

Strain the cider using cheesecloth or a fine mesh sieve, and stir in ¼ cup of honey, adding more if you want it sweeter still. Store your finished product in a glass jar or bottle.