Black Beauty | THC : THCV | #107, #108, #109
Black Beauty | THC : THCV | #107, #108, #109
Significantly and naturally high in THCV. Helpful for Insomnia, High anxiety, Restless Leg Syndrome and tremor. The Black Beauty cannabis strain is unlike traditional THC in several ways. Because of blood sugar regulation properties, it provides pain relief without appetite stimulation. In addition, it often works well at small, non psychoactive, doses (3-15 drops) and can be used during the day for anxiety, tremor or pain without being sedative. Although it contains 12% THC it is less psychoactive because of the THCV on board. Folks who are not typically comfortable with THC, love this product ! Recommended for PTSD, Insomnia, RLS, Parkinson’s, tremors, pain, and fixation. Lightly Psychoactive at about 12% THC.
#107 - Organic Alcohol - 1oz $90 // 2oz $180
#108 - Organic Olive Oil - 1oz $90 // 2oz $180
#109 - Organic Sesame Oil - 1oz $90 // 2oz $180
Ratio: 3 : 1 | THC : THCV
Potency: 12mg THC : 4.5mg THCV
Total Cannabinoids: 505 mg ( 1oz ) // 1011 mg ( 2oz )